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Seal Durability: How Temperature and Pressure Influence Performance


Understanding the Impact of Temperature and Pressure on Seal Performance

An In-depth Look at How Different Temperature and Pressure Conditions Affect the Performance and Lifespan of Various Sealing Materials

In the world of industrial fluid sealing, understanding how temperature and pressure impact seal performance is crucial. Seals are designed to prevent leakage, ensuring that fluids remain contained within a system. However, the conditions under which they operate can significantly influence their effectiveness and longevity. Let's delve into how different temperature and pressure conditions affect the performance and lifespan of commonly used sealing materials.

Temperature: The Heat Factor

Temperature extremes can greatly influence seal performance. Both high and low temperatures can cause material deformation, chemical breakdown, and loss of elasticity, leading to seal failure. Here's how different materials react:

1. Elastomers:

  • High Temperatures: Elastomers like Nitrile (NBR) and Viton (FKM) can become brittle and lose their elasticity at elevated temperatures. This brittleness can lead to cracks and ultimately seal failure.

  • Low Temperatures: At low temperatures, elastomers may harden and lose their ability to conform to the sealing surface, resulting in leaks. For example, NBR can become hard and less flexible, compromising its sealing ability.

2. PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene):

  • High Temperatures: PTFE is highly resistant to heat and can maintain its properties up to 260°C. However, it can creep under sustained pressure at high temperatures, leading to deformation.

  • Low Temperatures: PTFE remains flexible at low temperatures, but it can become more brittle and less able to withstand impact.

3. Graphite:

  • High Temperatures: Graphite seals excel in high-temperature environments, maintaining their integrity well above 400°C. They are ideal for applications involving steam and high-temperature fluids.

  • Low Temperatures: Graphite is also effective at low temperatures, retaining its sealing capabilities without significant hardening.

Pressure: The Force Factor

Pressure impacts seals by exerting force on the sealing material, potentially leading to extrusion, deformation, or material fatigue. The type of pressure—static or dynamic—also plays a role in determining seal performance.

1. Elastomers:

  • High Pressure: High-pressure conditions can cause elastomers to extrude into gaps, leading to material loss and seal failure. Reinforced elastomers or backup rings are often used to mitigate this risk.

  • Dynamic Pressure: In applications with fluctuating pressures, elastomers can experience fatigue, reducing their lifespan. Choosing the right elastomer and design can help manage dynamic pressure conditions.

2. PTFE:

  • High Pressure: PTFE seals can withstand high pressures but are prone to cold flow or creep under prolonged stress. To combat this, fillers such as glass or carbon can be added to improve their mechanical strength.

  • Dynamic Pressure: PTFE performs well under dynamic pressure conditions, maintaining its sealing properties without significant wear.

3. Graphite:

  • High Pressure: Graphite seals are excellent for high-pressure applications due to their inherent strength and ability to conform to sealing surfaces.

  • Dynamic Pressure: Graphite's resilience to pressure fluctuations makes it suitable for dynamic applications, ensuring reliable sealing performance.

Balancing Temperature and Pressure

Selecting the right sealing material involves balancing the temperature and pressure conditions of your specific application. Here are some tips for making the best choice:

  1. Know Your Operating Conditions: Accurately assess the temperature and pressure ranges your seals will be exposed to.

  2. Material Compatibility: Ensure the sealing material is compatible with the fluids in your system and can withstand the expected temperature and pressure conditions.

  3. Consult Experts: Work with sealing experts such as Robco’s technical support team to choose the right material and design for your application. They can provide insights into the best combinations of materials and designs for optimal performance.


Temperature and pressure are critical factors in the performance and lifespan of industrial seals. By understanding how different materials react to these conditions, you can make informed decisions that enhance the reliability and efficiency of your sealing solutions. At Robco Inc., we are dedicated to providing high-quality, durable sealing products tailored to meet the demands of various industrial applications. Contact us today to learn more about our range of sealing solutions and how we can help you achieve optimal performance in your operations.



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